-Seal on palju rumalaid küsimusi. Kahjuks pole seda piisava põhjalikkusega läbi vaadatud ja osad küsimused korduvad. Miimid on talle/neile ka mingil põhjusel ette jäänud...
Minu lemmikud:
·What came first, the fruit or the color orange?
·Why is a person that handles your money called a BROKER?
·Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?
·What would happen if an Irresistable Force met an Immovable Object?
·Is a man full of wonder a wonderful man?
·If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
·Why do grocery stores buy so many checkout line registers if they only keep 3 or 4 open?
·If Barbie is so popular, then why do you have to buy her friends?
·If you lived in
·Why do they call it an asteroid when its outside the hemisphere but call it a hemorrhoid when its in your ass?
·How come you press harder on a remote control when you know the battery is dead?
·If a synchronized swimmer drowns, does her partner also have to drown?
·If all the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting?
·If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
·If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan?
·If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill herself, is it considered a hostage situation?
·If the cops arrest a mime, do they have to tell him he has the right to remain silent?
·If you can't drink and drive, why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor, and why do bars have parking lots?
·If you take a shower, where do you put it?
·Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist, but a person who drives a race car not called a racist?
·Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song?
Ja minu enda küsimus - Miks ka täiskasvanuid kidnäpitakse?
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- Worlds weirdest animals
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